Mission Statement

Mission Statement: My classroom is a place where students should feel welcome: everyone should feel free to learn and participate without worrying about put-downs
or soul-crushing gossip.

Wednesday 6 December 2017

Wednesday, December 6, 2017


1. Field trip!  On Friday, December 15th the grades 5-8 will be going to the local Cineplex to see "Wonder".  Payment and signed permission forms are due Monday, December 11 (school cash online is up and running).

2.  Don't forget to sit down with your child and do a "'practice" course selection through Career Cruising.  Do not put this off!

:    1....the following kids for donating to our Holiday Heroes Campaign: Luke, Jina, Carter, Eleanor, Julia, Natalie, and Ethan!  And happy birthday to Betty.  It was good to see you in a good mood when they taped your lock.



1.  NoRedInk: New task (Assignment #3) is due next Wednesday, December 13th.  It's all about sentence fragments.  I strongly suggest that kids who were late with their first round of NoRedInk start tonight! 

2. Continue submitting ideas to the "Sexual Harassment in the Workplace" on google docs

3  Novel Study: After today, students should have their 3rd 8-box, 12 words, and their 3rd Freedom/Security response done.

4. The following kids have not handed in their Career Posters (they are late): R.A., O.A., L.B.,  C.G., J.J., A.M. 

5. Students wrote a quiz based on the Skilled Trades Presentation and the scores have been released (emailed to their gapps email).  Check them out - our class listens extremely well!


1. Grade 8s: create all of the following angles (no more than two on one diagram): 37.5, 135, 150, 112.5, 105, 67.5, 120, 75, 210, 240, 300. 

2. Grade 7s are working on a tessellation project IN CLASS.  If you see them doing it at home, take it away and burn it. 


1. Please print your book talk so I can make suggestions.

2. I posted the new song on google classroom.  Click on the "French" link on the left, then open the assignment with the song.  Sing along as you listen. 




1. Grade 7 test came home today.  Make sure you look at it with your child and SIGN it.  Ms. Smith would like these back signed.

2. Grade 8 test also came home.  Please look at it with your child. 






1. Grade 8: make a list of 10 reduced stress-reducers

2. Grade 7: Paragraph about reflection and diet.

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